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Business Operations

Business Analytics Dashboards with KPIs

Through an easy to use interface, managers and supervisors can build a dynamic environment for business analysis and control of business goals and actions. A Dashboard enables employees and managers to monitor their customized Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and compare their own productivity with the performance throughout other internal departments of the organization or even with competitors in the same sector.

Customized IT Solutions transform Your Digital and Digitized Business Management!

TPIA undertakes together with international IT Experts Your IT project for Business Digital Management to develop customized software applications that will drive Your company to higher performance levels.

We develop algorithms and software code to lean your business processes and increase their efficiency!

Our 6-Steps Approach of Customized IT Solutions:

  1. Consultation with Your IT and Management Stakeholders to clarify the needs of the new Business Applications.
  2. We analyze in detail your Business Environment and draft a recommended solution to meet your requirements.
  3. The new developed software applications will be tailored and tested according to your business processes.
  4. Your team will be trained on the new software applications.
  5. Continuous support and maintenance secure the functionality of the new applications.
  6. Data safety is ensured through high-end encryption at all stages of the project and software development.

At all stages of the applications development, you have a senior IT expert on your side!

ISO Management Systems and GRC Compliance

Our Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) approach is focusing on following objectives:

  1. Enterprise risk management framework design, embedding and operation.
  2. Risk assurance, planning and execution of assurance frameworks and plans.
  3. Design, implementation and maintenance of GRC systems and tools.
  4. Education, training and support to the business in the implementation of risk management, compliance and assurance processes.
  5. Risk and compliance incident and issues management.
  6. Embedding risk compliance, controls and self-assessment activities into the business including risk.


  • Risk focus. Risk focused procedures designed to reduce errors and control outcomes.
  • Speed. Significant saving time that it is required to handle key business processes.
  • Operational Costs. Identify the main high cost tasks through the evaluation process. Process-evaluations support appropriate decision making and reduce operating costs.
  • Flexibility. Procedures and structures are flexible to changing conditions and intense competition. Approaching the customer, quickly adapting to new market demands.
  • Quality. Insistence on excellent customer service. The quality level of products / services is always controlled by specific processes that are not directly depended on the person serving the customer.
  • Innovation. Market leadership through original changes will give the company a competitive advantage.
  • Productivity. Improvements in efficiency and effectiveness of the company.

THOMAS POUTAS has the experience to lead your project team in identifying needs for establishing new practices and operational improvements, to train your personnel in implementing ISO and monitor its effectiveness.

BPM Business Process Management

BPM is a disciplined approach to identify, design, execute, document, measure, monitor, and control both automated and non-automated business processes to achieve consistent, targeted results aligned with an organization’s strategic goals (Association Of Business Process Management Professionals).

BPM can be combined with LEAN-SixSigma Tools towards following benefits:

  • Visualization – timely management of functions and processes
  • Measurement – appropriate metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for success
  • Analysis – simulations to compare the various improvement scenarios
  • Improvement – implementation plan and execution
  • Controlling – user-defined dashboards for real time monitoring and performance information
  • Re-engineering – efficient processes result to higher performance

Following Business Areas can be optimized:

  • Asset Management
  • Sales & Order Management
  • Customer Service
  • HR processes
  • Risk Management

Benefits your company can gain out of the BPM implementation:

  • competitive advantage through faster processing time of procedures and documents
  • improved staff communication and working einvironment
  • increased productivity through reduction of duplication
  • controlled operational risk by standardising and managing working procedures
  • saving money by improving performance

LEAN Performance Management

LEAN Performance Management focuses on quickly streamlining processes and driving performance to enable a struggling business or division to meet its customers’ needs, particularly in delivering its products and/or services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Benefits to achieve from applying LEAN management are reductions of 15% in production lead times, inventories, errors reaching the customer, and floor space requirements and better labour productivity! In addition, more capacity is available for production and sales.

The assessment of the process flow and the corresponding value chain involves the actual taking of action in the inefficient chain, and the new way of working will be the standard operating procedure at the assessed department.

All activities that do not add value will be eliminated, so that the remaining activities will run smoothly.

Our LEAN Tools:

  • Cost of poor Quality
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • SixSigma Tools
  • SIPOC analysis (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers)
  • Cost-Benefit analysis
  • Business Process Mapping

Experience and try out yourself these LEAN Tools as a live process simulation at Your company!

Sales Performance Management

Sales and Marketing are very different, but have the same goal. Marketing improves the selling environment and plays a very important role in sales. If the marketing department generates a potential customers list, it can be beneficial for sales. The marketing department’s goal is to increase the number of interactions between potential customers and company, which includes the sales team using promotional techniques such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and public relations, creating new sales channels, or creating new products (new product development), among other things.

THOMAS POUTAS helps your sales team to optimize an under-performed Retail Sales Process due to its marketing guidelines, and to train at highest performance the best matching skills of managers and employees. Our innovative approach on Sales Performance Analytics (SPA) based on LEAN SixSigma Key Performance Indicators (LSKPIs) has been established in several sectors and has improved the sales performance up to 17%.

Our Statistical Analytic Tools for Rapid Decision Making of Sales Managers are:

  • Multivariate and Regression Analysis of various Economic and Market variables
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting 
  • Econometrics
  • Network Modelling 
  • Queuing Analysis
  • Market Research & Analytics
  • Financial Performance Analytics
  • People Performance Analytics

TOOL: You can click on the Tool and download it!

Online Sales Tracker